
2/18 I departed from Meinohama, Fukuoka.

Yesterday, I left my niece's beach.

Seven years ago, we decided to open our own shop in a place that no one knew about, and worked hard every day.

And I had a great time at my beloved niece's beach.

The day I rode my bicycle from Hakata Station to Hiroshima for a preview of the site seemed like yesterday.

And while seven years seems like a long time, it seems like just a moment.

I moved from Hiroshima and don't know much about the place where no one knows me.

Our store, which we started under such circumstances, has been supported by so many customers,

And thanks to our friends who accepted us even though we knew nothing,

I was able to spend every day with happiness and more than anything, filled with wonderful memories.

Yesterday I moved my house,

My best friend from my older child's nursery school days was there to see him off.

Farewell to friends who were close friends even after entering elementary school.

Boy A, who had always been foul-mouthed and cheeky since nursery school, started crying.

I almost cried when I received it (lol)

I was able to see the growth of my close friends, who I thought of as my own children.

What we finally met was the greatest treasure of all.

I miss the days at nursery school when all three of us could hold each other in our arms.

I guess I felt a little sad when we parted ways.

No, it's a little out of place.

If I were to live in Fukuoka again, I would have no hesitation in choosing the seaside area of ​​Nishi Ward, Fukuoka City.

I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to live in Fukuoka.

A truly wonderful place with a gentle sea breeze and a relaxing time.

And my beloved niece Hama.

Thank you Fukuoka, my niece Hama is awesome.

Thank you for the best days!!

This time we left Fukuoka by car and headed to Hiroshima.

From there I will head to Tokyo.

Preparations for the store will begin after that, so it is expected to be completed within the next week.

We are making progress little by little, so

Let's meet in Odaiba, Tokyo on March 4th!!

First of all, thank you for the past 7 years!!