
Following on from "Skin Life", we will be talking about "Dental Life".

No one would have been waiting,

A story about my wife's "dental life." . .

Thank you everyone for waiting! !

Continuing from my wife's "skin activity" last time,

A story about my wife's teeth. . .

Yes, it doesn't matter.

What my husband and I often talk about these days:

The question is, “How can we make the aging of the material look attractive?”

...What kind of couple is this? (lol)

I want to age in style...everyone has that desire. . .

However, we reach an age when our body shape, skin, and clothes no longer look the same...

If you want to at least value a sense of cleanliness, taking care of your teeth is essential.

So, about teeth whitening! ! !

I really don't think it matters.

There may be people who want whitening in a timely manner, so

Today we will talk about teeth. . .

The reason I was conscious of my teeth was that my front teeth were gaping.

The gap I inherited from my father can get food stuck in it.

I always thought it was like this and had no intention of fixing it.

I started partial orthodontics in the year I turned 30.

The cost is about 250,000 yen.

The result is a level that no one will notice (lol)

That's right, no one looks at my teeth.

But that's okay, because the money I earned improved my complex. I'm self-satisfied.

Actually, I wanted to fix it more beautifully, but due to cost issues, I ended up getting my teeth lined up half-heartedly...(crying)

Well, now that the little gap has disappeared, I've started to notice the yellowing of my teeth.

When you see celebrities on TV, you'll notice that they all have sparkling white teeth! !

Celebrities with pure white teeth usually have about one-third of the visible surface of their teeth shaved off and covered with a ceramic crown.

The benefits are that you can get the whiteness you want and that you can also change the shape of your teeth.

If you want perfect teeth, this is the way to go.

However, the disadvantage is that it is expensive.

Replacing your visible teeth with ceramic ones will cost about 1.5 million yen.

Furthermore, as you get older and your gums recede, it becomes unsightly and will need to be redone at some point.

Moreover, since healthy teeth are removed, various risks increase.

After all, I wanted to keep healthy teeth, and I didn't have the budget to do so, so ceramic was rejected.

Then I discovered ``dental nail polish,'' which was a bit popular at the time.

I just happened to find it on a coupon and went to a seedy multi-tenant building in Harajuku to get my teeth manicured.

A gel that is hardened using an LED light is applied to the tooth surface to create a white film.

Something like gel nails for your teeth.

The cost is around 3000 yen.

I had a pure white gel applied to my face, so it turned an interesting amount of white in just one application.

However, within a week, it starts to peel off from the tip.

Every time I eat something, I feel a foreign body sensation when an eggshell gets stuck in my mouth.

It was so stressful that I quit after just one session.

Recommended for those who want to instantly look pure white for a wedding or special event.

Since then, I have been regularly going to the dentist's office for whitening.

There is a really good dentist in Hiroshima.

There was a place that offered whitening for 3,000 yen per session.

If I remember correctly, the first two times are 6,000 yen, but from the third time onwards, it will be 3,000 yen no matter how many times you go.

It's a great deal, so I used to go there all the time when I was in Hiroshima.

After moving to Fukuoka, I looked for a dentist who does in-office whitening.

Generally, it costs 10,000 yen per visit.

It's fine if it's only once, but going to a hair salon or nail salon costs a lot of money, so I'd like to keep costs down as much as possible.

So, I asked the dentist I went to treat my cavities about home whitening.

The initial cost is approximately 15,000 yen, and we have them make a tray for you.

I receive a two-week supply of gel and whiten it at home at night.

With this, you can easily whiten your teeth at home without having to go to the dentist every time.

What's more, since the effects appear more gradually than in-office whitening, it's harder to go back.

The best thing about it is that you can easily take care of it at home if yellowing appears.

I immediately tried home whitening at home at night.

At night, while you sleep, put the medication in the mouthpiece and place it on your teeth while you sleep.

The mouthpiece is thin and soft, so it doesn't cause any pain.

What's more, since you only use a small amount of the gel, you'll probably have enough for three months instead of two weeks.

In my case, my teeth became so white that my partner could tell they were visible overnight.

I cannot drink coffee during whitening.

Recently, I tried switching to soy milk latte, which is good for whitening, and it's a win-win because of the soy milk isoflavone effect (lol)

It doesn't cost much, and you can whiten your teeth whenever you want without going to the dentist.

"Home whitening".

I wish I had started sooner! ! It was easy and effective as I expected.

No matter what I do, I always remember that ``continuation is the most important thing.''

I quit the gym after a little over a year, but...

If you use home whitening, you can continue with it. . . (lol)