
Sunday atmosphere. And the best Tsukiji.

On the last day of the Tsukiji office, business negotiations start at 9am.

Before that, we had breakfast while walking around the neighborhood.

When I go on business trips, I wake up before 6am, probably because I'm not used to the bed.

Get ready to go home and check out early.

The Sumida River can be seen from the large windows of the office.

The sunlight reflects on the river surface, giving it a "Sunday morning" feel.

First of all, I'll leave my luggage behind and head out.

As you cross the Kachidoki Bridge, you will gradually improve your physical condition.

Once you cross the bridge, there are many high-rise buildings on your right, left, in front of you, and behind you.

Personally, I think the high-rise apartments on Tokyo's Manhattan Island, also known as Tsukuda, are also beautiful.

Although it is a very popular prime location in Tokyo and a coveted area,

Will the day come when I live there?

In the end, it was too early and the store wasn't empty.

I headed to the nearby Dotour since it was the only one open.

The place was almost full after 7:00 as the area nearby was empty.

There were many people in the store, including local elderly people and families.

The signora who handles orders is probably from Edo, but is more impatient than the customers.

But this is also the mood of the neighborhood.

This kind of morning scene is also one of the pleasures.

Breakfast is ready in about 20 minutes after ordering and I eat it while walking to the office.

Of course, what I ordered was "Milano Sandwich" (lol)

The miscellaneous feeling of everyday life becomes calm on Sunday morning,

Tsukiji is truly peaceful with the morning sun shining through it.

It was really quiet and empty, like a Sunday in Milan.

The atmosphere this Sunday is really good.

Anyway, I went back to my small office, drank coffee and sorted out my things.

All large items have been moved into the office and the work is nearing completion.

I only have the bare essentials on my desk, so I feel really calm.

It seems to be true that your mind feels cleaner when you have less stuff.

Our office is basically open for business this time, but we don't have any visitors.

Depending on your schedule, you may not be able to complete the event without being invited.

With such sudden situations in mind, we have prepared furniture of the highest quality possible.

The table and chairs are sold by "Vitra" .

"Compass Direction" designed by Jean Prouvé.

Although it is unlikely that you will come,

The bench for customers is Herman Miller's Nelson Bench .

Because there are few opportunities to use it,

And even though it's only once a month, I try to get excited myself.

These items were created with this in mind, so I have a deep attachment to them.

My favorite this time is the Dyson desk light.

This item was already out of stock in Japan and was the last one in Japan when I bought it.

I fell in love with it at first sight when I saw the sample product, and I was looking for it no matter what.

I feel deep emotion every time I see it or touch it.

This is more than what I use.

We have prepared these for our customers to use when checking the condition of their watches.

What I focused on this time was

We don't know how many challenges we will be able to take on in the rest of our lives,

I will never hold back,

I came here with the intention of gathering all my wisdom and starting something new.

I know that Tsukiji is a really good place,

It was definitely a blessing to have a fresh start there.

There's nothing more to say after the sales catch up (lol)

Therefore, we have started recruiting for November.

Please feel free to contact us.

November will be the 26th Saturday and 27th Sunday.

We are planning two sessions in this year, in November and December.

Thank you very much for your support!