
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we have updated our logo and website!

This December will mark our 10th anniversary since opening, so we are making a fresh start.

We have renewed our store logo and website today.

In fact, the revamp of this logo began in November of last year.

We wanted to do something to mark our 10th anniversary, so we moved to Tokyo this year.

It's not just about moving.

We hope to be able to demonstrate even more of what we have learned up until now on the new stage of Tokyo.

We decided to move with the hope of demonstrating what a new store should be like.

So we changed the logo and website design.

It expressed a new feeling.

The couple who asked us to create the logo were big fans of the shoe brand "OTTOMO" , and they were in charge of designing it.

Mr. Kanasaka of Aurum Co., Ltd. has created works that have been nominated for various design awards.

I had always liked OTTOMO's designs and contacted the designer.

I am grateful to Mr. Nagasawa of OTTOMO, who is an old friend of mine, for taking charge of the design this time.

Regarding the design this time, rather than just following our own amateur opinions,

I made a simple request.

"Please create a design that surpasses OTTOMO!"

I made no other demands.

If they have the time to listen to our opinions, I hope they will create something better.

One of those wishes was realized in the form of this logo.

A detailed explanation of the logo will be provided at a later date.

We have been able to successfully complete 10 years since our establishment thanks to the support of so many customers.

It will be possible to exceed the 3 to 5 years that is said to be the lifespan of a company,

The 10-year barrier is one that will see some of the companies you founded reach their milestone.

I think I can somehow get through it.

There is one thing I cannot announce yet due to circumstances.

It will be fully completed and fully operational by September.

For now, we can say that this major event has come to an end.

First of all, I am grateful that we have reached this day.

We hope you will continue to enjoy Regalo Vintage Watches.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!