
We can repair the watch you bought and bring it in!

Watch repair is an essential part of ensuring the longevity of your watch.
No matter how expensive or cheap a watch is, maintenance is always required.
However, just because you don't perform maintenance doesn't mean that any visible symptoms will occur.
I use it all day long and don't worry about the time being off.
But most of the time it eventually stops.
Unlike cars, we don't blow smoke just because we don't repair it (lol)

The gears of a clock that has not been overhauled for a while are in a state where the mechanical oil is dry.
To compare it to a person, it's like running a triathlon on an extremely hungry stomach.
So, if you think of nourishing your precious watch,
Maybe you can understand a little more about the importance of overhaul.

Therefore, the watch you requested this time is
When we started mail-order sales at our store and gradually gained recognition,
The Omega watch that he purchased after exchanging emails with me,
Cartier watch purchased at another store.

Omega requested overhaul and belt replacement,
It is said that Cartier often left behind time,
Along with the Omega repair request, we requested an overhaul and belt replacement.
However, the discoloration of the Cartier case was terrible, so
We also removed the discoloration from the case.

Omega also polishes the windshield and cleans the case during overhaul.
We provided a belt service for a basic fee of ¥25,000+tax.
This is the watch you bought at our store, so that's how much it will cost!

Cartier replaces batteries and removes discoloration during overhaul.
Clean the case, process and install the belt.
Overhaul ¥15,000+tax and belt fee ¥9,000+tax.
Of course shipping is included.

Of course, we are responsible for maintaining the watches we sell.
In order to respond to the desire to cherish watches purchased at other stores,
I'll do everything I can.
Personally, I think that this is the attitude that a store should have.
However, as long as you carry out repairs, you are responsible for that as well.
I would be happy if you would continue to send it in for maintenance regularly in the future!

Not only watches purchased at our store, but also watches you have lying around at home,
Please feel free to request repairs!