
Something worked out!!

I have written many times on my blog that "watch repair is important",
This time, we will not be talking about the movement, but about "exterior repairs."

This bracelet is a bit manic.
Omega tension bracelet manufactured around the 1960s.
Speaking of tension bracelets, "spring type" like Rolex are famous,
Omega is a "click type" that allows you to adjust the tension with a buckle.
This is a rare bracelet that is traded among enthusiasts for tens of thousands of yen.

This time, I received a request to repair the bracelet during the overhaul.
Can it be repaired once I receive it? And so on.
The pin broke and the clasp became distorted.
To be honest, I didn't feel like it was going to get better.

However, at our shop, we do whatever repairs we undertake.
What will happen if you make the pin separately?
You won't know about the clasp unless you try it.
It seems like it was a pretty serious repair this time.
Repair period is 3 months.
I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting, but
I'm very satisfied with the perfect fix ← It's me, not the customer (lol)

The people who emphasize the importance of overhaul every time are:
At the same time as maintaining the internal machinery,
If the exterior metal remains dirty, it will corrode.
Parts that are particularly susceptible to rust, such as screws and pins,
If it is corroded or rusted, it may not be possible to remove it.
If this happens, I try to remove the corroded parts by scraping them off.
The labor alone will cost a considerable amount of money.
Just removing a screw or pin costs several thousand to tens of thousands of yen.
As craftsmen spend time and effort on the work,
To be honest, such repairs are not worth the price.
That's why we remove dirt from the exterior during overhaul,
We perform maintenance to avoid unnecessary repairs.

It is extremely unfortunate that repairs tend to be taken lightly.
Since "takaga" work can only be done by skilled craftsmen,
It may not be a good idea to do something lightly that no one else can do.
Therefore, at the same time as improving the skills of our partner craftsmen,
I would also like to provide ``acting instruction,'' which was a really difficult repair (lol)
It's a lie to say that, but
It is often difficult for amateurs to remove screws.
Don't take watch repair lightly,
Repairs are essential to maintaining the watch you love.
In other words, I want you to plan on having ``repair'' with your watch for the rest of your life.

This repair is overhaul ¥25,000
Movement rust removal ¥5,000
Breath pin separate work ¥5,000
Clasp adjustment ¥10,000
Total consumption tax: ¥49,500

To be honest, the price really doesn't match this time.
However, if you want to use it carefully,
It's not that it's profitable or it's not profitable.
"I'll fix anything!!"
We are carrying out repairs with this in mind,
We are looking forward to receiving repair requests for watches that you really want to repair and use!