
Finally, the finished product was unveiled.

More than ever,

And the long-awaited accessories from our store have been renewed!

For more details, please see here !

Along with changing our shop logo and image color,

We also wanted to renew the accessories, so we asked

Mr. Kanasaka of "Auram Co., Ltd."

When asked to do this, the first thing he said was, "I'm aiming to win the competition!"

If we were going to renew it, we wanted to do it thoroughly.

And we have a strong desire to make something that our customers can enjoy,

Everything was meticulously designed and shaped.

Actually, it has been about two months since we switched to this design.

We haven't been able to show it off for a while because we were applying for a grant.

The crucial grant money was rejected (lol)

Well, I was so shocked that I couldn't hide my shock.

I am very satisfied with the excellent result that overcame that!

Therefore, starting with orders placed today, the accessories will be changed to these ones.

I'm sure many customers will say, "This is great!"

And if you win the competition...maybe it will become a premium item?

Sorry, maybe that's not the case,

The design looks great as a decorative piece, so it can also be used for interior decoration.

I've been preparing a lot of things in preparation for our move to Tokyo, but this will be the last.

Even if it takes time, we want to provide something better.

I'm really glad it took shape!

Well, it's a bit late, but now the real action begins.

There are just a little over three months left in this year.

The hot days are still continuing,

Let's do our best!!