
Jiro Shirasu's famous quote

Jiro Shirasu is one of Japan's heroes.

I think many of you know this.

First of all, he's a handsome guy, but not only his face but also his personality.

Apparently he was the first person in Japan to wear jeans.

Even more impressive is the helmet and sunglasses worn when he was chairman of Tohoku Electric Power Company.

The other day, I had some free time before going out for drinks with a friend, so I went to a used bookstore for the first time in a while.

I haven't had much time for the past three months , so I haven't been able to read one book a week, so it's been a little stressful.

I'm very happy that I was able to explore various things along with CD rental (lol)

This time, I read ``Jiro Shirasu's 100 Words,'' which I miraculously found in a used book.

Among the many famous quotes, this is one book that makes you feel something is missing for many people, including Japanese people today.

Thinking about putting others before yourself,

It seems that he often said that he helps the weak and discourages the strong.

I think it takes courage and is really difficult to actually do that.

Sometimes when I read it, I really agree with it,

What resonated with me the most was...

"What young people today lack is courage. They only think that if they say things like that, they will be at a loss."

No, I cried.

It takes courage to do what you really want to do, and you will always run into a big wall.

I hear a lot of opposing opinions,

Somewhere along the line, I start to feel doubtful and wonder if I'm doing something wrong.

Therefore, there are times when you try to fit in with other people and try not to be disliked.

In another famous quote

``Don't go to work thinking that people will like you.

In fact, you can't do a good job unless you actively try to be disliked by half the people. ”

Sometimes it's important to have the courage to be hated.

As a person, I want to be liked by everyone, but that's probably impossible.

So, isn't it okay to be hated in order to pursue what you want to do?

Once I started thinking that way, I felt better.

Jiro Shirasu seemed to always say tough things, but he seemed to have a great sense of humor.

When I was hospitalized, I was asked about my dominant arm.

"I'm right-handed. But at night I use my left..."

That's what he answered.

I'm usually right-handed, but when I drink a drink at night, I hold a cup or glass with my left hand, which means I'm a drinker.

I wish I could say things like this easily,

After reading these words, I can't do anything other than feel depressed about my own small-mindedness.

A word about such small things...

``White jeans are dirty and worthless. You should just wash them.

You wouldn't wash dark colored items even if they were just as dirty, right?

If you care about fashion, you should pay even more attention to cleanliness.”

So the weather looks like it's going to be bad this weekend,

Wash your clothes thoroughly on a sunny day!

that? What were you talking about? ?