
First “fasting” in my life

8 days since last Thursday
I tried "fasting" for the first time in my life.

Even if you have heard the word fasting,
There are probably many people who don't know what it is.
To be honest, I didn't really understand either (lol)
To put it simply, it is “internal cleansing”.
We will “fast” for a certain period of time.

Probably many of you have been around since you were born.
I think I eat or drink something almost every day.
Unless there is something special like being hospitalized,
Since birth, the internal organs have not rested even for a single day.
Rest your tired internal organs,
The purpose is to eliminate the "dregs" of the food you usually eat.

In my case, I started with two days of prepared meals.
Prepared meals mean eating foods that are gentle on your stomach and intestines.
Eating a meal in order to enter a fast.
The main contents are brown rice and grains,
Meal content centered on vegetables.
In other words, animal foods, as well as caffeine and alcohol,
Of course, smoking is also a no-no.

In my case, I don't smoke,
I think it's fine if you don't have alcohol, so
There were no particular problems at the time of preparing the meal.
Some people experience headaches as a reaction, but
It's not a problem once you get used to it.
Also drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
During this period, you will start drinking ``Enzyme'' in place of one meal.

and fasting for 3 days.
I drink the enzyme divided into 3 servings.
Anyway, “I’m hungry” (lol)
That's natural,
Up until now, I had been in the habit of eating at least three meals a day.
I felt really hungry.
Some people find that hunger feels good,
These past three days have made me realize that fasting is not suitable for me.

After a difficult fasting period, it's time for a recovery meal.
It's definitely not okay to eat here to satisfy your hunger.
These are the three most important days.

First of all, I don't eat breakfast.
I drink enzymes and water instead.
This went surprisingly smoothly without any problems.
It seems like there was a time when I used to think that I had to eat breakfast.
I felt like I didn't have to eat breakfast after fasting.
Instead, just drink some enzymes or a smoothie.

Lunch is a pre-prepared meal that mainly consists of brown rice and vegetables.
Same thing at night,
The most important point is to "chew well".
Of course, you should not eat snacks at all, but
I feel like my physical condition has changed a lot after fasting.
I don't feel like eating sweets at all.

The fasting was completed by repeating recovery food for 3 days.
Of course, there is no point in fasting if you go back to your old diet.
Eating two meals a day and drinking at least 2 liters of water, etc.
The habits acquired during the period will continue,
When eating, chew more thoroughly than ever before.
By doing so, you can keep the reset internal organs clean.

By the way, with this fasting, not only internal organs but also
There was also a big change in my body shape.

At the same time as my visceral fat decreased, I also lost a lot of weight.

The numbers on the left are compared from the previous day, but from the start,
Weight -3.5 kg Body fat percentage -1.9%
That's not a bad number.
I lost about 1.2 kg of muscle mass, but
This is within the margin of error.
There is no problem because the numbers will return soon with meals and training.

Most importantly, I was able to cleanse my body and review my diet and habits.
I realized how much stress I had put on my body.
It is good to fast for diet purposes, but
It may be easier to start by reviewing yourself.

Also, never do something like this based on random knowledge.
If you do not consult a specialist,
Instead of purifying your body, you may end up in a worse situation than before.
The internet is convenient and you can get all kinds of information, but
No one can be held responsible if you skimp on such things and you end up with unexpected results.
If you really want to better yourself,
Let's do it the right way.

Come to think of it, even though it's over, it seems like the former Kiami is eating ramen and rice.
If there is something that you usually think is not good,
Even if it's just one thing, try to improve it on your own.
From the age of 35 onwards, I have been prohibited from ordering large portions or second helpings when eating out.
Do not drink any soft drinks such as juice,
Do not add ice to your drinks, even in the summer.
I strictly adhere to 8 hours of sleep.
When eating meals, try to eat vegetables and soups first,
I try not to eat carbohydrates from other sources.
If you start with what you can do,
Whether it's fasting or dieting, you should be able to get through it.

Next time I would like to try “ketogenic” !!