
The DC series of American comics is loved by both parents and children.

Marvel series include Iron Man and Captain America.

DC includes Superman and Batman.

It's hard to tell the difference, but the comical one is Marvel,

DC has a dark atmosphere...I guess?

This time, I'm going to talk about my favorite drama , "The Flash."

A standalone Flash work that also appeared in the movie version.

Following past DC works and drama versions,

The best of DC's works, with the best music and visuals, and the best cast.

At first I thought it would be half-baked, but

A great movie that shows how serious the production team is.

Although the detailed settings and story are different from the drama version,

I think those who have seen both will understand,

That's a different world.

Actually, the movie version of Flash appears in the drama version as well.

It makes sense once you understand the story of Flash itself.

Rather than the dark stories that are common in DC works,

At first, he draws it comically while making people laugh,

It may have made it easier for everyone to watch the movie.

The drama version has rather heavy content.

But there are scenes that make me cry at key points,

For those who have seen the past works, the contents of joy,

The diagonal ending at the very end was really interesting.

This is the movie I want to see again this year!
